发布人:陈文雪  发布时间:2021-11-23   浏览次数:11304


















1)交变电场调控页岩纳米孔隙中油水流动性的分子机制研究(项目编号   ZR2022MA052),山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2023.01-2025.12














1. 省级大学物理精品课程,省部级(政府类),2018,排名第1

4. 大学物理优秀教学团队,校级,2018排名第1

5. 创新驱动,基础、实践、素养融合发展的大学物理课程体系构建与实践,校级特等奖,2019,排名第1

6. 强化专业融合,重构教学内容,突出创新能力,构建大学物理课程分类教学体系,校级二等奖,2017,排名第1

7. 大学物理演示实验仪器研制与大学生科技创新平台建设,校级一等奖,2012,排名第1

8. 大学公共数理化基础课程分层分类教学改革与实践,校级一等奖,2015,排名第3

9. 大学物理系列演示仪器研制与开放应用,校级一等奖,2015,排名第3

10. 以自制仪器为载体的大学物理演示实验创新平台建设,校级一等奖,2017,排名第4



1. B. Liu, W.Y. Liu, Z.M.   Pan, L.Y. Yu, Z.Y. Xie, G.Z Lv, P.H. Zhao, D.M. Chen, and W.J. Fang*.   Supercritical CO2 Breaking Through a Water Bridge and Enhancing   Shale Oil Recovery: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Energy &   Fuels, 2022, 36, 7558-7568.

2. B. Liu, C. Qi, X.B. Zhao, G.L. Teng, L. Zhao, H.X. Zheng, K.Y.   Zhan, J.Q. Shi. Nanoscale Two-Phase Flow of Methane and Water in Shale   Inorganic Matrix. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122,26671-26679

3. B. Liu, X.Q. Li, C. Qi, T.Y. Mai, K.Y. Zhan, L. Zhao and Y. Shen.   Pressure-driven supercritical CO2 transport through a   silica nanochannel. RSC Advances, 2018, 8 (3), 1461-1468.

4. B. Liu, C. Qi, T.Y. Mai, J. Zhang, K.Y. Zhan, Z.L. Zhang, J.Y.   He. Competitive adsorption and diffusion of CH4/CO2 binary mixture within   shale organic nanochannels, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,   2018, 53, 329-336.

5. B. Liu, K.Y. Zhan, Z.D. Yang. Propagation dynamics of   finite-energy Airy beams in competing nonlocal nonlinear media. Journal of   the Optical Society of America B, 2018, 35. 2794

6. B. Liu, J.W. Li, C. Qi, X.Q. Li, T.Y. Mai, J. Zhang. Mechanism of   asphaltene aggregation induced by supercritical CO2: insights from molecular   dynamics simulation. RSC Advances, 2017, 7 (80), 50786-50793.

7. B. Liu, C. Wang, J. Zhang; S.B. Xiao, Z.L. Zhang, Y.   Shen, B.J. Sun, J.Y. He. Displacement Mechanism of Oil in Shale Inorganic   Nanopores by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Energy & Fuels, 2016,   31 (1), 738-746.

8. B. Liu, J.Q. Shi, M.H. Wang, J. Zhang, B.J. Sun, Y. Shen, X.L.   Sun. Reduction in interfacial tension of water–oil interface by supercritical   CO2 in enhanced oil recovery processes studied with molecular dynamics   simulation. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2016, 111, 171-178.

9. B. Liu, X.P. Tang, W.J. Fang, X.Q. Li, J. Zhang, Z.L. Zhang, Y.   Shen, Y.G. Yan, X.L. Sun, J.Y. He. Molecular dynamics study of di-CF4 based   reverse micelles in supercritical CO2. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2016,   18 (42), 29156-29163.

10. B. Liu, J.Q. Shi, B.J. Sun, Y. Shen, J. Zhang, X. Chen, M.H.   Wang. Molecular dynamics simulation on volume swelling of CO2–alkane system.   Fuel, 2015, 143, 194-201.

11. B. Liu, J. Yang, L. Zhao, J. Zhang, Y. Shen, Z. Li, Y.D. Wang.   Molecular dynamics simulation of brine droplet wetting on sandstone surface.   Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Nature Sciences), 2014,   38 (3), 148-154

12. B. Liu, J.Q. Shi, Y. Shen, J. Zhang. A Molecular Dynamics   Simulation of Methane Adsorption in Graphite Slit-pores. Chinese Journal of   Computational Physics, 2013, 5, 692-699. 


1. Q. Yang, X.Y. Zhang, S.N. Wang,   X.C. Han, Y.S. Gu, X.Q. Bi, D.M. Chen, W.J. Fang*, B. Liu*. The   addition of fluorine atoms and alkyl chains to aromatic ligand dipole for   enhancing stability and photoelectronic properties of formamidinium   perovskite surfaces[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2024: 159925.

2. Q. Yang, W.J. Fang, S.N.   Wang, Y.S. Gu, X.Q. Bi, K.Y. Diao, D.M Chen, B. Liu*. The strain   regulation of atomic structure and properties on ultra-stable monolayer   butylammonium-based halide perovskites: Insight from density functional   theory[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2023, 261: 112511.

3. Z.Y. Xie, Y.H. Liang, Q. Sun,   L.Y. Yu, D.S. Wang*, and B. Liu*. Nanoscale Insights into CO2 Enhanced   Shale Gas Recovery in Gas–Water Coexisting Kerogen Nanopores[J]. Langmuir,   2024, 40(3): 1717-1727.

4. Y.H. Liang, X.Q. Bi, Y.L.   Zhao, R.N. Tian, P.H. Zhao, W.J. Fang, B. Liu*. Rapid decomposition of   methane hydrates induced by terahertz bidirectional pulse electric fields[J].   Energy, 2024, 286: 129633.

5. Q. Sun, Y.S. Gu, Z.Y. Xie, L.Y.   Yu, X.M. Ge, W.J. Fang and B. Liu*. Occurrence state and nuclear   magnetic resonance relaxation characteristics of confined water in quartz   nanopores[J]. Molecular Physics, 2023: e2274964.

6. W.Y Liu, B. Liu*, Z.M.   Pan, Y.X. Qu, K.Y. Diao, Q. Sun, G.Z. Lv, P.H. Zhao, D.M. Chen, and W.J. Fang*.   Electric Resonance-Based Depressurization and Augmented Injection in   Low-Permeability Reservoirs, Energy & Fuels,2022,36,14220-14229

7. Q. Yang, W.J. Fang, K.Y.   Diao, Q.Y. Meng, W.Y. Liu, Y.X. Qu, Z.M. Pan, B. Liu*. Strain   regulating mechanical stability and photoelectric properties of CH3NH3PbI3   containing the asymmetric CH3NH3 cations. Materials   Today Communications,2022,33,104527

8. Y.X. Qu, Q.Y. Meng, W.Y. Liu,   Z.M. Pan, W.J. Fang, Y.D. Wang, B. Liu*. Electric Resonance-Induced Hydrate   Dissociation Acceleration to Extract Methane Gas. Fuels, 2022,321,124014.

9. Z.M. Pan, W.Y. Liu, L.Y. Yu,   Z.Y. Xie, Q. Sun, P.H. Zhao, D.M. Chen, W.J. Fang, and B. Liu*. Resonance-Induced   Reduction of Interfacial Tension of Water–Methane and Improvement of Methane   Solubility in Water, Langmuir ,2022,38,13594-13601.

10. H. Zhang, W.Y. Liu, W.H.   Wang, Z.M. Pan, B. Liu*, G.Z. Lv, P.H Zhao, W.J. Fang. Oscillating   electric field accelerating CO breaking through water bridge and enhancing   oil recovery in shale: Insight from molecular perspective. Chemical Physics   Letters,2022,808,140129.

11. Q.Y. Meng, Y.X. Qu, W.Y.   Liu, Z.M. Pan, W.J. Fang, Y.D. Wang, B.   Liu*. Mechanical Properties of a Structure I CO2–CH4   Hetero clathrate Hydrate: Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Energy   & Fuels, 2021, 35 (20), 16534-16542.

12. K.Y. Zhan, W.J. Fang, Z.M.   Pan, G.L. Teng, H.X. Zheng, L. Zhao, B.   Liu*. The role of the potential field on occurrence and flow of octane in   quartz nanopores. Phys Chem, 2021, 23 (19), 11507-11514.

13. M.H. Wang, T.M. Fang, P.   Wang, X.P. Tang, B.J. Sun, J. Zhang, B.   Liu*. The self-assembly structure and the CO2-philicity of a hybrid surfactant   in supercritical CO2: effects of hydrocarbon chain length. Soft Matter, 2016,   12 (39), 8177-8185.

14. T.M. Fang, J.Q. Shi, X.L.   Sun, Y. Shen, Y.G. Yan, J. Zhang, B.   Liu*. Supercritical CO2 selective extraction inducing   wettability alteration of oil reservoir. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,   2016, 113, 10-15.

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2. 刘冰,陈文娟.《大学物理演示实验教程》,校级规划教材,必赢线路检测3003出版社,2013年。

3. 贾瑞皋,刘冰.《大学物理教程(上册)》,十一五国家级规划教材,科学出版社,2017年。

4. 李元成,刘冰,王玉斗.《大学物理》,校级规划教材,必赢线路检测3003出版社,2014年。

5. 张立红,刘冰,徐志杰,赵培河.《大学物理学(下册)》,校级规划教材,高等教育出版社,2019年。