教学、科研信息 ★研究工作经历: 1) 1995年-1999年,山东师范大学数学系,数学教育,本科/理学学士; 2) 1999年-2002年,广西师范大学数学与计算机科学学院,基础数学,研究生/理学硕士; 3) 2002年-2006年,大连理工大学应用数学系,计算数学,研究生/理学博士; 4) 2006年-2009年,必赢线路检测3003(华东),讲师; 5) 2009年至今,必赢线路检测3003(华东),副教授; 6) 2010年至今,必赢线路检测3003(华东),“数学一级硕士点应用数学、基础数学专业”,硕士生导师; 7) 2014年至今,教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家; 8) 2015年-2016年,University of Notre Dame,Guest Associate Professor(CSC青骨); 9) 2015年至今,Mathematical Reviews评论员;MathSciNet Reviewer; 10) 2021年至今,山东省国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目评审专家; 11) 2023年-2026年,中国教育在线学术桥评审专家; 12) 2023年至今,学研博硕论文评审云平台评审专家;
★教学工作: 主讲研究生课程: 硕士研究生课程《泛函分析基础》、《微分方程》、《线性偏微分方程理论》、《反应扩散方程理论》、《非线性常微分方程泛函方法》、《变指数索伯列夫空间理论》;博士研究生课程《偏微分方程理论及其应用》。校级研究生课程思政示范课堂《微分方程》主讲教师。 主讲本科生课程: 《数学分析》、《高等数学》、《学科前沿知识讲座》、《数学与应用数学专业新生研讨课》、《数学大类新生研讨课》、《线性代数》。担任省级精品课《高等数学》主讲教师、校级精品课《线性代数》、校级重点课《数学与应用数学专业新生研讨课》、校级精品课《数学分析》主讲教师。主编出版校级规划教材《线性代数:富媒体版》。 ★教学改革项目: 1) 负责山东省高等学校在线开放课程《线性代数》建设。 智慧树网-线性代数: https://coursehome.zhihuishu.com/courseHome/1000007877#teachTeam 2023年智慧树网双一流专业精品课负责人。 2) 负责2019年校级研究生教育教学研究项目全英文课《线性偏微分方程理论》建设。 3) 负责2023年校级研究生教育教学改革项目《立德树人视域下《微分方程》SPOC+BOPPPS混合式教学模式改革与实践》。 4) 负责校级教学研究与改革项目“思政融合的《线性代数》线上线下混合式教学模式改革与实践”。 5) 负责2023年校级研究生课程思政示范课《微分方程》。 6) 2023年校级课程思政“三百工程”《线性代数》课程负责人。 7) 负责校级一流课程培育项目《线性代数》。 8) 2020年校级规划教材《线性代数:富媒体版》(主编,胶印)。 9) 2023年校级规划教材:线性代数新性态系列教材(主编之一) 10) 负责应用数学专业核心课《线性偏微分方程理论》建设。 11) 参加校级教改项目“《线性代数》课程问题驱动式教学的研究与实践”。 12) 参加重点课《线性代数》、《数学与应用数学专业新生研讨课》建设。 13) 负责2022-2023学年必赢线路检测3003班级提升计划课题“三全育人背景下基于大创项目的班级创新素养提升方案的设计与实践”。 14) 负责2023-2024学年必赢线路检测3003班级提升计划课题“以就业和升学为导向的数学专业教育研究与实践”。 ★学术兼职: 1) Mathematical Reviews评论员;MathSciNet Reviewer。 2) 教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家。 3) 山东省国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目评审专家。 4) Journal of Differential Equations、Nonlinear Analysis TMA、Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application、Applied Mathematics Letters、Mathematical and Computer Modelling、Computers & Mathematics with Applications、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Boundary Value Problems、Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B、Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.、Applicable Analysis、Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics、AIMS Math等多个SCI杂志审稿人。 ★科研项目 1) 主持山东省自然科学基金项目《基于变指数Sobolev空间的非线性抛物型方程组的奇性及其弱延拓研究》; 2) 主持山东省自然科学基金项目《具非标准增长条件的非线性抛物方程(组)奇性解的渐近分析》; 3) 主持山东省自然科学基金项目《具有变指标的非线性抛物型偏微分方程组解的奇性分析》; 4) 主持教育部留学基金委公派留学青骨项目; 5) 参加国家自然科学基金项目《多重非线性抛物方程组的临界指标与解的奇性传播》; 6) 参加国家自然科学基金项目《抛物型方程组的不同时奇性解及其弱延拓》; 7) 参加国家自然科学基金项目《反应扩散捕食模型的平衡解及分支分析》; 8) 参加国家自然科学基金项目《带概周期强迫项的Schrodinger方程和梁方程的概周期解》; 9) 参加山东省自然科学基金项目《具各向异性指数的抛物方程解的奇性传播规律研究》; 10) 参加山东省自然科学基金项目《非线性抛物型方程组解的blow-up分类及blow-up后性质研究》; 11) 参加山东省自然科学基金项目《具非标准增长条件的(高阶)抛物型方程解的定性研究及应用》; 12) 参加校级科研团队项目《交叉学科中的数学方法及其应用》,骨干成员; 13) 主持学校自主创新项目《非标准增长条件下抛物问题的爆破与熄灭研究》; 14) 主持博士科研启动项目《非线性抛物型方程组奇性解的渐近行为》; 15) 主持原数学学院偏微分方程科研团队项目; 16) 参加学校自主创新项目《水平井酸化中的变质量流动规律研究》; 17) 参加学校自主创新项目《几类反应扩散捕食模型的平衡解分析》; 18) 参加学校自主创新项目《一类无穷维哈密顿系统的概周期解的研究》; ★学术活动 1) The 9th East China Partial Differential Equations Conference & Shanxi International Conference on Partial Differential Equations,山西大学。 2) The 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications,美国奥兰多。 3) 2017年数学物理方程国际学术研讨会,山东青岛。 4) 第十七届非线性偏微分方程学术会议,吉林大学。 5) 第五届微分方程、动力系统与应用研讨会,华南理工大学。 6) 2020西北微分方程及应用会议,国家天元数学西北中心,宝鸡文必赢线路检测3003。 7) 2020非线性椭圆与抛物型方程及其应用网络会议,国家天元数学中部中心,武汉大学。 8) 2021偏微分方程自由边界问题研讨会,江西师大,西北工业大学。 9) 第五、六、七届微分方程、动力系统与应用研讨会,华南理工大学。 10) Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Reaction-Diffusion Equations,西安电子科技大学,2021。 ★指导研究生情况 入学时间 | 姓 名 | 本科学校 | 毕业去向 | 2011年 | 洪真真 | 鲁东大学 | 高中教师事业编 | 2012年 | 张长城 | 黄淮学院 | 公务员 | 2013年 | 张倩 | 鲁东大学 | 中国东方航空公司 | 2014年 | 杨婕 | 必赢线路检测3003(华东) | 公务员 | 2015年 | 辛庆娜 | 济宁学院 | 高中教师事业编 | 2016年 | 董梦真 | 鲁东大学 | 高中教师事业编 | 2017年 | 武贵诚 | 鲁东大学 | 高中教师事业编 | 2018年 | 王煜羲 | 必赢线路检测3003(华东) | 澳门大学读博士 | 2019年 | 夏荷 | 济南大学 | 公务员 | 2020年 | 张敏 | 泰山学院 | 高中教师事业编 | 2020年 | 李珂 | 必赢线路检测3003(华东) | 高中教师事业编 | 2021年 | 李杨 | 泰山学院 | 高中教师事业编 | 2022年 | 窦佳鑫 | 曲阜师范大学 | | 2023年 | 刘梦瑶 | 青岛大学 | | 2024年 | 江艺艺 | 山东理工大学 | |
★指导国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目情况 1) 2024年《具变指数的二阶抛物方程组解的奇性研究》; 2) 2024年《一类四阶伪抛物方程的整体解研究》; 3) 2023年《具p(x)-Laplace项的Kirchhoff抛物方程解的爆破研究》; 4) 2023年《伪抛物型四阶偏微分方程组解的奇性研究》; 5) 2022年《具有多重非线性扩散项的四阶抛物方程解的整体解研究》; 6) 2022年《具有对数内部源的四阶抛物方程解的爆破研究》; 7) 2021年《具变系数的非局部抛物组的不同时爆破研究》; 8) 2021年《一类伪抛物型方程解的奇性分析》; 9) 2020年《具有时空变系数的非线性抛物型方程组的齐次第一初边值问题研究》; 10) 2020年《一类具有变指数的伪抛物方程的爆破分析》; 11) 2019年《一类多孔介质方程组解的定性研究》; 12) 2019年《具有变系数的抛物型偏微分方程解的爆破性质研究》; 13) 2018年《非线性微分方程解的同时和不同时奇性研究》; 14) 2017年《具有变指标的抛物型偏微分方程组解的爆破渐近性质》; 15) 2017年《具有非局部边界的奇异退化方程解的爆破性质判据》; 16) 2015年《一类抛物型偏微分方程熄灭解的研究》; 17) 2014年《一类反应扩散方程问题的爆破解研究》; ★科研论文(时间倒序) 1) K. Li, B.C. Liu*, J.X. Dou. Asymptotic estimate of solutions in a 4th-order parabolic equation with the Frobenius norm of a Hessian matrix. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Accepted for publication. 2024. 2) B.C. Liu*, J.X. Dou. Critical exponent for global solutions in a 4th-order hyperbolic equation of p-Kirchhoff type. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Accepted for publication. 2024. 3) B.C. Liu*, M.Y. Liu. Critical blow-up exponent for a doubly dispersive quasilinear wave equation. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. Accepted for publication. 2024. 4) B.C. Liu*, Y. Li. The properties of solutions for the coupled 4th-order parabolic equations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin. 2024, DOI number 10.36045/j.bbms.240131. (SCI) 5) B.C. Liu*, M. Zhang, M.Q. Zhou. Well-posedness and finite-time singularity of solutions in a 4th-order parabolic equation. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 2024, 23(4): 488-506. (SCI) 6) X.Z. Sun, Z.Q. Han*, B.C. Liu. Classification of initial energy in a pseudo-parabolic equation with variable exponents and singular potential. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. 2024, 50(1): 10. (SCI) 7) B.C. Liu*, Y. Li. Note on a higher-order pseudo-parabolic equation with variable exponents. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023, 46(16): 16840-16856. (SCI) 8) B.C. Liu, K. Li, F.J. Li*. Asymptotic estimate of weak solutions in a fourth-order parabolic equation with logarithm. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2023, 64(1): 011513. (SCI) 9) F.J. Li*, A.Q. Sun, B.C. Liu. Singular solutions for the fourth-order parabolic equation with nonstandard growth conditions and absorption. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023, 46(8): 9147-9166. (SCI) 10) B.C. Liu*, Y.X. Wang, P. Li. Quantitative description on initial trace for the solvability to heat equation with exponential boundary in unbounded domain. Journal of Differential Equations. 2023, 354: 207-236. (SCI) 11) B.C. Liu, K. Li, F.J. Li*. Note on a parabolic problem with multi-coupled nonlinearity and space-time weighted functions. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin. 2022, 29(5): 563-581. (SCI) 12) X.Z. Sun, B.C. Liu*. Classification of Initial Energy to a Pseudo-parabolic Equation with p(x)-Laplacian. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. 2023, 29(3): 873-899. (SCI) 13) B.C. Liu*, X.Z. Sun, Y.M. Wang. Energy classification in a nonstandard fourth-order parabolic equation with a Navier boundary condition. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023, 46(4): 3703-3720. (SCI) 14) K. Li, B.C. Liu*. Grow-up of weak solutions in a p-Laplacian pseudo-parabolic problem. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2022, 22: 103657. (SCI) 15) B.C. Liu*, M. Zhang. Classification of singular solutions in a nonlinear fourth-order parabolic equation. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. 2023, 29(2): 455-474. (SCI) 16) B.C. Liu, K. Li, F.J. Li*. Asymptotic estimates of weak solutions for a parabolic p(x)-Laplace equation with variable exponents and absorption. Analysis and Mathematical Physics. 2022, 12(2): 47. (SCI) 17) B.C. Liu, M. Zhang, F.J. Li*. Singular Properties of Solutions for a Parabolic Equation with Variable Exponents and Logarithmic Source. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2022, 64: 103449. (SCI) 18) F.J. Li, J.Q. Liu, B.C. Liu*. Classification of initial energy in a pseudo-parabolic equation with variable exponents. Analysis and Mathematical Physics. 2021, 11(4):148. (SCI) 19) X.Z. Sun, B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Fujita exponents for a space-time weighted parabolic problem in bounded domains. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2021, 62: 103358. (SCI) 20) X.Z. Sun, B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Fujita Exponents for an Inhomogeneous Parabolic Equation with Variable Coefficients. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2022, 45(11): 7058-7071. (SCI) 21) B.C. Liu*, H. Xia. Blow-up solutions in a Cauchy problem of parabolic equations with spatial coefficients. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. 2022, 48(3): 1051-1074. (SCI) 22) Y.X. Wang, B.C. Liu*, Y.R. Sun. Asymptotic property of singular solutions in some nonstandard parabolic equation. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2021, 60: 103301. (SCI) 23) X.Z. Sun, B.C. Liu*. A complete classification of initial energy in a p(x)-Laplace pseudo-parabolic equation. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2021, 111: 106664. (SCI) 24) B.C. Liu*, Y.X. Wang, L. Wang. Extinction of solutions in parabolic equations with different diffusion operators. Applicable Analysis. 2021, 200(16): 3600-3612. (SCI) 25) B.C. Liu, H.Y. Lin, F.J. Li*. A Cauchy problem of parabolic equations with time-dependent coefficients. Applicable Analysis. 2019, 34(3): 274-282. (SCI) 26) B.C. Liu, H.Y. Lin, F.J. Li*, X.Y. Wang. Blow-up analyses in reaction-diffusion equations with nonlinear nonlocal boundary flux. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2019, 70(4): 1-27. (SCI) 27) F.J. Li, H.Y. Lin, B.C. Liu*. Blow-up Analyses in Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Fujita Exponents. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2019, 50: 386-412. (SCI) 28) B.C. Liu, F.J. Li*, Z.Y. Zhao. Nonsimultaneous blow-up profile and boundary layer estimate in nonlinear parabolic problems. Applicable Analysis. 2021, 100(2): 417-427. (SCI) 29) B.C. Liu*, Y.X. Wang, L. Wang. Extinction and Non-simultaneous Blow-up of Solutions in Fast Diffusion Equations. 数学季刊. 2020, 35(2): 199-213. (核心期刊) 30) B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang, L. Wang. A m,p-Laplacian parabolic equation with nonlinear absorption and boundary flux. 应用数学. 2020, 33(3): 598-606 (核心期刊) 31) B.C. Liu, G.C. Wu, X.Z. Sun, F.J. Li*. Blow-up Estimate in a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Nonlinear Nonlocal Flux and Source. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2019, 78(6): 1862-1877. (SCI) 32) B.C. Liu*, M.Z. Dong. A Nonlinear Diffusion Problem with Convection and Anisotropic Nonstandard Growth Conditions. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2019, 48: 383-409. (SCI) 33) B.C. Liu*, H.Y. Lin. A Cauchy problem of spatial-weighted reaction-diffusion equations. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2019, 92: 128-133. (SCI) 34) B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang, Y. Wei. Blow-up profile of solutions in parabolic equations with nonlocal Dirichlet conditions. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. 2020, 46: 1437-1453. (SCI) 35) B.C. Liu*, M.Z. Dong. Asymptotic properties of singular solutions in degenerate parabolic equation with boundary flux. Applicable Analysis. 2020, 99(11): 1986-1999. (SCI) 36) B.C. Liu, M.Z. Dong, F.J. Li*. Singular solutions in nonlinear parabolic equations with anisotropic nonstandard growth conditions. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2018, 59 (12), 121504. (SCI) 37) B.C. Liu*, M.Z. Dong. Globally bounded solutions in a chemotaxis model of quasilinear parabolic type. 数学季刊. 2019, 34(3): 274-282. (核心期刊) 38) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li, M.Z. Dong. Thermal Avalanche after non-simultaneous blow-up in heat equations coupled via nonlinear boundary. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 2019, 49 (3): 101-131. (SCI) 39) B.C. Liu*, G.C. Wu. Blow-up time estimates and simultaneous blow-up of solutions in nonlinear diffusion problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2019, 77 (2): 597-614. (SCI) 40) B.C. Liu*, M.Z. Dong. Global solutions in a quasilinear parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis system with decaying diffusivity and consumption of chemoattractant. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2018, 467 (1): 32-44. (SCI) 41) Y.N. Du, B.C. Liu*. Time-weighted blow-up profiles in a nonlinear parabolic system with Fujita exponent. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2018, 76 (5): 1034-1055. (SCI) 42) B.C. Liu, M.Z. Dong, F.J. Li*. Asymptotic properties of blow-up solutions in reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal boundary flux. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2018, 69(2): 22 pages. (SCI) 43) B.C. Liu*, Q.N. Xin, M.Z. Dong. Blow-up analyses in parabolic equations with anisotropic nonstandard damping source. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2018, 458 (1): 242-264. (SCI) 44) F.J. Li, B.C. Liu*. Bifurcation for a free boundary problem modeling the growth of tumors with a drug induced nonlinear proliferation rate. Journal of Differential Equations. 2017, 263 (11): 7627-7646. (SCI) 45) J. Rui*, B.C. Liu. Almost-periodic solutions of an almost-periodically forced wave equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2017, 451(2): 629-658. (SCI) 46) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Time-weighted blow-up rates and pointwise profile for single-point blow-up solutions in reaction-diffusion equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2017, 40(14): 5273-5285. (SCI) 47) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Critical singular exponent and asymptotic estimates in the parabolic equations. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2017, 65: 63-69. (SCI) 48) B.C. Liu*, Q. Zhang, X.H. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhao. Critical Curves of Solutions in Nonlinear Parabolic Equations Involving p,m-Laplace Operators. Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society. 2018, 44(6): 1427-1447. (SCI) 49) J. Rui*, B.C. Liu. Reducibility of beam equations in higher-dimensional spaces. Boundary Value Problems. 2017,2017: 82. DOI 10.1186/s13661-017-0810-0. (SCI) 50) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Blow-up time and boundary layer for solutions in parabolic equations with different diffusion. Applicable Analysis. 2017, 96(16): 2818-2831. (SCI) 51) F.J. Li*, S.M. Zheng, B.C. Liu*. Blow-up of multi-componential solutions in heat equations with exponential boundary flux. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 2017, 47(7): 2309-2335. (SCI) 52) B.C. Liu*, J. Yang. Blow-up properties in the parabolic problems with anisotropic nonstandard growth conditions. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2016, 67 (1): 1-26. (SCI) 53) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. The profile and boundary layer for parabolic system with critical simultaneous blow-up exponent. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2016, 59: 94-100. (SCI) 54) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. A note on blow-up in parabolic equations with local and localized sources. Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society. 2017, 43 (3): 923-942. (SCI) 55) Y. Li*,X.H. Zhang,B.C. Liu. Global stability and stationary pattern of a diffusive prey-predator model with modified Leslie-Gower term and Holling II functional response. The Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications. 2016,9: 2527-2540 56) J. Rui*, B.C. Liu, J. Zhang. Almost periodic solutions for a class of linear Schrödinger equations with almost periodic forcing. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 57, 092702 (2016). (SCI) 57) J. Yang, B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang. Blow-up solutions to degenerate parabolic equations with nonlocal Dirichlet boundary. 数学杂志. 2017, 37 (6): 1275-1286. (数学核心期刊) 58) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. A note on the Cauchy problem for heat equations with coupling moving reactions of mixed type. Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics. 2016, 34 (5-6): 359-367. 59) B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang. Uniform blow-up behavior for degenerate and singular parabolic equations. 数学季刊. 2016, 31 (2): 125-138. (数学核心期刊) 60) B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang. Blow-up analysis in degenerate parabolic systems coupled via norm-type reactions. Applicable Analysis. 2016, 95 (3): 668-689. (SCI) 61) F.J. Li*, B.C. Liu. Note on nonsimultaneous blow-up of n components for nonlinear parabolic systems. Applicable Analysis. 2015, 94 (7): 1479-1497. (SCI) 62) B.C. Liu*, J. Yang. Quenching solutions in the reaction-diffusion equations involving variable exponents. Mathematica Applicata. 2015, 28(2): 330-338. (数学核心期刊) 63) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. A note on critical point and blow-up rates for singular and degenerate parabolic equations. Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society. 2015, 41(5): 1-11. (SCI) 64) B.C. Liu*, C.C. Zhang. Critical exponents in porous media equations with weighted nonlocal boundary conditions. 数学杂志. 2015, 35(1): 51-62. (数学核心期刊) 65) B.C. Liu*, Q. Zhang. Blow-up in reaction-diffusion equations involving multiple nonlocal sources. Mathematica Applicata. 2014, 27(4): 786-796. (数学核心期刊) 66) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Notes on Cauchy problems of nonlinear diffusion equations. Mathematica Applicata. 2014, 27(2): 375-380. (数学核心期刊) 67) F.J. Li, B.C. Liu*. Asymptotic analysis for blow-up solutions in parabolic equations involving variable exponents. Applicable Analysis. 2013, 92(4): 651-664. (SCIE) 68) B.C. Liu*, Z.Z. Hong. Blowup properties for parabolic equations coupled via non-standard growth sources. Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics. 2013, 31(1-2): 285-297. 69) B.C. Liu*, Z.Z. Hong. Quenching estimates for reaction-diffusion equations with nonstandard growth conditions. 数学季刊. 2013, 28(3): 408-416. (数学核心期刊) 70) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Avalanche after non-simultaneous blow-up in nonlinear parabolic systems. 数学进展. 2013, 42(4): 569-575. (数学核心期刊) 71) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Non-simultaneous blowup in heat equations with nonstandard growth conditions. Journal of Differential Equations. 2012, 252(8): 4481-4502. (SCI) 72) B.C. Liu, F.J. Li*. Non-simultaneous blow-up and blow-up rates for reaction-diffusion equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 2012, 13(2): 764-778. (SCI) 73) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Blow-up solutions for localized reaction-diffusion equations with variable exponents. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2011, 34(14): 1778-1788. (SCI) 74) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Critical non-simultaneous blow-up exponents for a reaction-diffusion system. 数学进展. 2011, 4(5): 531-536. (数学核心期刊) 75) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Blowup solutions and their blowup rates for parabolic equations with non-standard growth conditions. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. 2011,77: 1-11. (SCI) 76) B.C. Liu, F.J. Li*. Non-simultaneous blow-up in localized reaction-diffusion equations. Applicable Analysis, 2010, 89(10): 1615-1627. (SCI) 77) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Properties of non-simultaneous blow-up solutions in nonlocal parabolic equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2010, 72(2) : 1065-1074. (SCI) 78) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Properties of non-simultaneous blow-up in heat equations coupled via different localized sources. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2010, 217(7): 3403-3411. (SCI) 79) F.J. Li*, B.C. Liu. Non-simultaneous blow-up in parabolic equations coupled via localized sources. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2010, 23(8): 871-874. (SCI) 80) F.J. Li*, B.C. Liu, S.N. Zheng. Optimal conditions of non-simultaneous blow-up and uniform blow-up profiles in localized parabolic equations. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2010, 72(2): 867-875. (SCI) 81) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Non-simultaneous blow-up in a parabolic system with three components. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2009, 70(5): 1813-1829. (SCI) 82) B.C. Liu, F.J. Li*. Optimal classification for blow-up phenomena in heat equations coupled via exponential sources. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2009, 71(3-4): 1263-1270. (SCI) 83) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. A complete classification for non-simultaneous blow-up. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2009, 22(4): 548-552. (SCI) 84) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Non-simultaneous blow-up for n-componential parabolic systems. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2009, 71(7-8): 3538-3550. (SCI) 85) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Non-simultaneous blow-up of n components for nonlinear parabolic systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2009, 356(1): 215-231. (SCI) 86) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li, S.N. Zheng. Note on a nonlinear diffusion system with convection. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2009, 214(1): 41–47. (SCI) 87) F.J. Li*, B.C. Liu. Critical exponents for non-simultaneous blow-up in a localized parabolic system. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2009, 70(10): 3452-3460. (SCI) 88) F.J. Li, B.C. Liu*, S.N. Zheng. Optimal conditions on generalized solutions of coupled nonlinear diffusion systems. Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications. 2009, 29(6): 954-960. 89) F.J. Li, B.C. Liu*, S.N. Zheng. Non-simultaneous blow-up criteria for localized parabolic equations. Communications in Mathematical Research. 2009, 25(4): 379-384. 90) B.C. Liu*, F.J. Li. Blow-up properties for heat equations coupled via different nonlinearities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2008, 347(1): 294-303. (SCI) 91) F.J. Li, S.N. Zheng*, B.C. Liu. Blow-up properties of solutions for a multi-coupled parabolic system. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2008, 68(2): 288-303. (SCI) 92) S.N. Zheng*, B.C. Liu, F.J. Li. Simultaneous and non-simultaneous blow-up for a cross-coupled parabolic system. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2007, 326(1): 414-431. (SCI) 93) F.J. Li, B.C. Liu, S.N. Zheng*. Simultaneous and non-simultaneous blow-up for heat equations with coupled nonlinear boundary fluxes. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2007, 58(5): 717-735. (SCI) 94) S.N. Zheng*, B.C. Liu, F.J. Li. Non-simultaneous blow-up for a multi-coupled reaction-diffusion system. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2006, 64(6): 1189-1202. (SCI) 95) S.N. Zheng*, F.J. Li, B.C. Liu. Asymptotic behavior for a reaction-diffusion equation with inner absorption and boundary flux. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2006, 19(9): 942-948. (SCI) 96) S.N. Zheng*, B.C. Liu, A nonlinear diffusion system with convection. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 2005, 63(1): 123-135. (SCI) 97) S.N. Zheng*, B.C. Liu, F.J. Li. Blow-up rate estimates for a doubly coupled reaction-diffusion system. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2005, 312(2): 576-595. (SCI) 获奖和培训 1) 2007年获得辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖《双重耦合反应扩散方程组的blow-up估计》(郑斯宁、刘丙辰、李锋杰,2007–LNL0114)。 2) 2009-2011年度必赢线路检测3003(华东)优秀教师。 3) 2011、2015、2018年度必赢线路检测3003(华东)必赢线路检测3003优秀班主任。 4) 2012年胜利石油育才奖。 5) 2012、2014、2023年度必赢线路检测3003(华东)“十佳百优”班主任。 6) 2013-2015年度必赢线路检测3003(华东)优秀教师。 7) 2013-2015年度必赢线路检测3003(华东)先进集体负责人。 8) 2014、2015、2021、2022年度校级优秀本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师。 9) “华为杯”第十六届中国研究生数学建模竞赛指导教师(国家二等奖)。 10) 学校第二届“学习性教学”技能大赛理论考试一等奖。 11) 山东省高校青年教师职业能力提升在线培训。 12) 2021年必赢线路检测3003(华东)教学成果奖一等奖(3/10)。 13) 2024年石油高等教育(本科)教学成果奖二等奖(6/9)。 14) 2021年高校教师课程思政教学能力培训。 15) 2021年国家教育行政学院高校一流课程建设与申报主题网络培训。 16) 2021年必赢线路检测3003(华东)“智慧教学+课程思政”培训班。