◎研究方向 1.随机微分方程 2.分数阶微分方程边值问题 ◎学习与工作经历 1996.9-2000.7,东北师范大学数学系,理学学士; 2000.9-2003.6,东北师范大学数学与统计学院,理学硕士; 2008.9-2012.7,东北师范大学数学与统计学院,理学博士; 2003.6-2006.7,必赢线路检测3003(华东),助教; 2006.7-2011.12,必赢线路检测3003(华东),讲师; 2012.12至今,必赢线路检测3003(华东),数据科学与统计系,副教授。
◎主讲课程 1.主讲本科生必修课。《高等数学2-1》《高等数学2-2》《线性代数》《复变函数与积分变换》《复变函数论》《概率论》《概率论与数理统计》《概率论与随机过程》《线性代数与计算方法》《数学文化》《常微分方程》《新生研讨课》等课程 2.主讲研究生《高等概率论》《泛函分析》等课程
◎指导研究生 累计指导硕士研究生2名,指导的1篇研究生学位论文获校级优秀论文。指导的一名研究生获得山东省优秀学生称号。
◎承担和参与项目 1.近年来,主持的代表性科研项目: (1)非线性微分方程奇异边值问题正解的存在性研究,必赢线路检测3003自主创新,2013-2014 2.近年来,参与的代表性科研项目: (1)变分方法在耗散系统运动方程中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金,2016-2019。
(2)随机时滞生物数学模型的渐进行为,国家自然科学基金,2018-2022。 ◎获奖情况(除教师个人获奖之外,还包含指导学生获奖情况) 1. 第五届全国微课比赛华东赛区一等奖,2019。 2. 第五届全国微课比赛山东赛区特等奖,2019。
◎荣誉称号(除教师个人获得荣誉之外,还包括指导学生获得荣誉情况) 1.校百优班主任,2015年
◎论文 1.第一作者主要论文: (1)Multiple positive solutions to singular positone and semipositone m-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations,Boundary Value Problems ,2018(2018)
(2)Positive properties of Green's function for three-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations and its applications, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS,2012(91) (3)The positive properties of Green’s function for three point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations and its applications,Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 2012(17) (4)一阶差分方程周期边值问题一个或多个正解的存在性,必赢线路检测3003学报(自然科学版), 2011(35) (5)非线性分数阶微分方程边值问题正解的存在性,数学物理学报,2011(31)。 (6)Multiple positive solutions to singular positone and semipositone Dirichlet-type boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations,Nonlinear Analysis, 2011(74) (7)Multiple positive solutions for the boundary value problem of a nonlinear fractional differential equation,Nonlinear Analysis ,2009(71) (8)三阶非线性奇异边值问题正解的存在惟一性,系统科学与数学,2009(29). (9)Multiple positive solutions of fourth-order boundary value problems , Mathematical Inequalities and Applications ,2005(8) (10)Differental Inequalities for functional ferturbations of second order differential equations, Archives of Inequalities and Applications,2003(1). (11)Twin positive solutions to singular boundary value problems of second order differential systems, Indian J. puerppl. Math.,2003(34) 2.第二作者(通讯作者)主要论文: (1)Dynamics of DS-I-A epidemic model with multiple stochastic perturbations. Math Meth Appl Sci. 2018 (2)Periodic solution of the DS-I-A epidemic model with stochastic perturbations,Filomat,2019 (3)Dynamics of hybrid switching DS-I-A epidemic model. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1) (4)Stationary distribution and extinction of the DS-I-A model disease with periodic parameter function and Markovian switching. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2017(311) (5)Singular positone and semipositone boundary value problems of second order delay differential equations, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,2005(55) (6)On the number of positive periodic solutions of functional differential equations and population models, Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences, 2005(15) (7)Nonresonant singular fourth-order boundary value problems, Applied mathematics letters, 2005(18) (8)Multiple positive solutions to a class of singular boundary value problems foe the one-dimensional p-Laplacian, Computers and mathematics with applications.2004(47) (9)Existence theory for single and multiple solutions to singular positone boundary value problems for the delay one-dimensional p-laplacian, Annales polonici mathematici,2003(81) ◎著作
1.《高等数学学习指导》,“十三五”国家级规划教材,必赢线路检测3003出版社,2020年。 2.《线性代数学习指导》,“十三五”国家级规划教材,必赢线路检测3003出版社,2019年。 3.《经济应用数学微积分》,石油大学出版社,2016年 4.《随机数据处理》,必赢线路检测3003出版社,2011年。 |