◎研究方向 1.微分方程动力系统 2.随机微分方程 ◎学习与工作经历 1997.9-2001.7:东北师范大学数学系,学士; 2001.9-2004.7:东北师范大学,应用数学硕士; 2009.3-2012.6:哈尔滨工业大学数学系,基础数学专业,理学博士
2004.7-2006.12,必赢线路检测3003(华东)必赢线路检测3003,助教 2007.1-2013.12,必赢线路检测3003(华东)必赢线路检测3003,讲师 2014.1-至今 必赢线路检测3003(华东)必赢线路检测3003,副教授 2015.8-2016.8, 美国威廉玛丽学院访问一年 ◎主讲课程 1.主讲本科生必修课:《高等数学》《工科数学分析》《高等代数与几何》等课程 2.主讲研究生《随机过程》等课程
◎指导研究生 累计指导硕士研究生6名。
◎承担和参与项目 1.近年来,主持的代表性科研项目: (1)关于具非局部时滞的反应扩散方程的分支研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2015-2017。 (2)具扩散和时滞的Holling-Tanner捕食食饵系统动力学分析,国家自然科学基金天元基金,2014-2014。
(3)反应扩散方程组非齐次稳态解的存在性、稳定性及分支研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022。 (4)具扩散和时滞的种群系统动力学分析,山东省自然科学基金青年基金,2013-2016。 (5)具分布时滞的随机浮游生物的动力学研究,中央高校专项基金,2019-2021。 (6)具非局部时滞的种群系统行波解的存在性,中央高校专项基金,2016-2018。 (7)具非局部时滞和扩散的种群系统分支分析,中央高校专项基金,2013-2014。 2.近年来,参与的代表性科研项目: (1)两类非局部方程孤波解的存在性、稳定性及其动力学行为研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2020。 (2)随机时滞生物数学模型的渐近行为,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022。 ◎获奖情况(除教师个人获奖之外,还包含指导学生获奖情况) 1.山东省微课比赛一等奖,省部级(政府类),2019,排名第1。 ◎论文 1.第一作者主要论文: (1)Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive predator-prey system with delay effect. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011. (2)Multiple Bifurcations and Spatiotemporal Patterns for a Coupled Two-Cell Brusselator Model,Dyn. Part. Diff. Equa.,2011. (3)Stability and Bifurcation Analysis in a Diffusive Brusselator System with Delayed feedback control. Inter. J. Bifur. Chaos. 2012(22). (4) Global stability and Hopf bifurcations of a Beddington–DeAngelis type predator–prey system with diffusion and delays. Appl. Math. Comp. 2013 (5) Stability and Bifurcation in a ratio-dependent Holling-III System with diffusion and delay. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control. 2014(19). (6)Stability and bifurcation analysis of a reaction–diffusion equation with spatio-temporal delay. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2015(430) (7)Stability and bifurcation analysis of a reaction–diffusion equation with distributed delay. Nonlinear Dyn. 2015(79). (8)Periodic solutions for a stochastic non-autonomous Holling-Tanner predator-prey system with impulses. Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst. 2016(22). (9)Stationary distribution and periodic solution for stochastic predator-prey systems with nonlinear predator harvesting. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 2016(36). (10)Long-time behaviors of a stochastic cooperative Lotka–Volterra system with distributed delay,Physica A, 2018. (11) Traveling wave solutions of a diffusive ratio-dependent Holling-Tanner system with distributed delay. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 2018(17). (12) Stability and Double-Hopf Bifurcations of a Gause–Kolmogorov-Type Predator–Prey System with Indirect Prey-Taxis. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, (2020). (13) Existence and stability of steady-state solutions of reaction–diffusion equations with nonlocal delay effect. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 2021(72:43). 2.第二作者(通讯作者)主要论文: (1)Stationary distribution and periodic solutions for stochastic Holling–Leslie predator–prey systems. Physica A, 2016.\ (2) Stationary distribution and ergodicity of a stochastic cholera model with multiple pathways of transmission,Journal of the Franklin Institute,2020(357). (3) Stationary distribution and density function analysis of a stochastic epidemic HBV model,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2022(191) ◎学术兼职 担任《Nonlinear Dynamics》《Chaos,Solitons and Fractals 》等多个国际期刊审稿人。 ◎其他 主持教改项目 主持研究生《随机过程》示范课程建设项目 |